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Best of YT

Fan favorites that are most popular to draw.

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Best of YT
  • How To Train Your Dragon Mystery Toy White Egg

  • Cat getting a bubble bath

    Glub, glub, glub, a cat in the tub. Bubbles floating away. The cat looked around, and do you know what he found? That his tail barely got clean today! Poor kitty cat will have to get another bath!!! Let's get Drawing!

    This Best of YT Video is commercial ad free at is ...

  • Snowman on a swing

    It looks like our snowman finally got himself untangled from the lights he was all wrapped up in. Instead of getting put onto the house, he's out goofing around and made himself a swing. What's up with our snowman this Christmas??? Let's get Drawing!

    This Best of YT Video is commercial ad f...

  • Snowman ice skating

    Wow! This is AMAZING!! Look at that snowman ice skating. I didn't even realize that snowmen could bend their legs, let alone have ice skates....and legs for that matter! Be sure to look at for some special fuzzy guests that will appear in this episode. It's wonderful what your imagination can...

  • Grumpy Frog

    Ribbit, slurp and a hop. Just ate my delicious flying lunch! Would you like to try a fly or maybe two? Why am I so GRUMPY you say? Well, if you had to eat flies all day without any mustard available, you might be grumpy too!! I am frog who likes some flavor added to my meals. Sooo......hop ...

  • T-Rex the Dino

    Roooaaarr! I am going to catch you with my gigantic arms. Oh, wait my head keeps hitting the ground when I try to grab you. That must be why I don't have my front teeth anymore. Look at that! I see something wonderful out there. I wonder what your imagination will give T-Rex to eat that is ...

  • Mouse making a wish

    Squeak! Squeak! It's dandelion wishes and cheddar cheese dreams. This little mouse is wishing away by blowing all those dandelion seeds up to the wind. If cheddar isn't on his mind, then maybe it's a nice cotton & twine bed that he is thinking about. Hey, speaking of wishes, what are the wish...

  • Snowman wrapped in lights

    Light it up.....your Snowman is ready for his big Christmas lights reveal. He is a happy bundle of frozen H2O that has been wrapped in colorful set of lights. Once you get done getting this fellow all drawn up, why not get out the multi-colored pencils and bring the Snowman's dream to life! Le...

  • Rescue Doggy

    ADOPT DON'T SHOP, is the motto Mrs. Emily has with her family. When she isn't working on drawing with you, she is helping out by fostering animals with our local shelter This drawing session is dedicated to everyone out there who gives the shelter animals a chance to give love...

  • Fluffy Tailed Fox

    What do you mean "Crazy Like a Fox"? This fluffy tailed fellow is staring at you as if you have something yummy to eat. If he looks cute, cuddly and is well behaved, would you feed him a morsel? Pretty please??? Hmm, what do foxes like to eat anyway?

    This Best of YT Video is commercial ad...

  • Koala

    G'day mate! Nice to meet you! I am a Koala. What should I Call-a-you? Can you guess where in the world I am from? Some of my favorite food is the leaves from eucalyptus trees. Looks like you are ready to draw me before I take my 18 hour nap......zzzzzzz

    This Best of YT Video is commercia...

  • Cocker Spaniel

    Hey there! What are you waiting for? FETCH your pencil so you can throw your tennis ball to the puppy! The cocker spaniel is a dog breed with long floppy ears and bundles of playful energy. This pup is ready to play dog games with you. Ready, set,......."Hey look a squirrel",......DRAW!!!!

  • Billy Goat

    Billy Goat here. It is "goat" to meet you. I am just trying to "goat" by here in my barn yard. Do not "goat" me wrong, being at the farm, I "goat" to eat ALL THE TIME and EVERYTHING that I can "goat" my teeth on. I can't "goat" enough of drawing with Mrs. Emily! So, let's "goat" down to work ...


    Mrs. Emily has fun making her videos for you. The final video that you see may not be filmed all at once.... Enjoy of few chuckles that are too good to be lost forever on the cutting room floor. BLOOPERS GALORE!

  • Bunny on an Egg Hunt

    Hippity, Hoppity goes our bunny Floppity! This bunny rabbit is a Happy Hopper with his finds from the egg hunt. I wonder where he is finding all those Easter Eggs? Let's get Drawing!!

    This Best of YT Video is commercial ad free at is a production of

  • Havanese Dog & Special Guests

    Mrs. Emily loves dogs! Well, Mrs Emily loves just about any animal (read till the end), but dogs are her favorite. This little Havanese dog is giving you the 'puppy dog eyes'. Can't.....resist.....the....stare.....with....head.....tilt! Look out for a special furry friends that shows up LIVE ...

  • Bull Terrier Dog

    It's a 'Ruff' job, selecting things to draw, but "Dog-Gone-It" if your not barking up the RIGHT tree!!! Mrs. Emily is a foster mom for a lot of dogs. She loves to take pictures of her fosters and a Bull Terrier is one of her favorites to draw! What makes this breed fun to draw is the shape of ...

  • Treasure Map

    Join me in drawing this Treasure Map! Let me show you how to draw this 3-D art step by step.
    With just a pencil, paper and stomp.
    By using pencil, we can help you build your confidence, and become the artist you want to be!!!

    This Best of YT Video is commercial ad free at www.KeepDraw...

  • Monster Hugs-a-Lot

    Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Who doesn't love a monster that hugs-a-lot. This friendly monster isn't that scary. He just wants to give you a great big hug.

    This Best of YT Video is commercial ad free at and is a production of
    Instructor: Mrs. Emily Albright

  • BayMax

    Baymax! Everyone's fluffy inflatable medical super hero. Expand your drawing skills.....Inflate your pencil power......Bounce onto your paper....and DRAW.

    This Best of YT Video is commercial ad free at and is a production of
    Instructor: Mrs. Emily Al...

  • Teddy Bear

    This Teddy Bear has a HEART for you!!! He looks a bit shy holding onto his heart like that. Come along and learn to draw this cuddly bear and then find someone to give him to! FUN FACT: Did you know that the Teddy Bear was named in honor of US President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt?

  • Submarine

    Take an underwater trip in your very own submarine. This undersea adventure will have you ballasting your boat and watching for marine life out the port holes.

    This Best of YT Video is commercial ad free at and is a production of
    Instructor: Mrs. Emil...

  • Sloth

    I guess it is a 'slow' kind-of-day and your just 'hanging' out looking for something to draw. Well, this SLOTH looks pretty happy to see you! Why not 'saunter' up to your table and slowly grab a pencil for this session. No need to rush, sloth will still be waving Hello, by the time you get bac...