Let's have some fun drawing a dragon together step by step. I love to teach you how to draw cute animals, but today it's a challenge for even me! If I can draw a dragon, so can you! Grab your pencil, paper, eraser and blending tool (stomp, q-tip, Kleenex) and let's have some fun!
Want more dragons, join me in a LIVE online class www.ARTwithAlbright.com
Are you in the Houston Texas area? Come to a class!
I would love to meet you and draw with you!
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Up Next in Learn to Draw your Favorites! The Journey to Artistic Expression Begins Here
Baby Yoda in Colored Pencils
Thanks for drawing with me! This is an edited lesson from one of my live online art classes! Join a class anytime by enrolling @ART with Albright www.ARTwithAlbright.com
In my live classes I draw what you the enrolled artist asks for. So is there something you always wanted to learn to draw. ... -
STAR WARS Clone Trooper Captain Rex
This is an edited recording of a live class online learning! Join me for a live class www.ARTwithAlbright.com
Scooby Doo Toy