Grumpy Frog
Wild Animals
Ribbit, slurp and a hop. Just ate my delicious flying lunch! Would you like to try a fly or maybe two? Why am I so GRUMPY you say? Well, if you had to eat flies all day without any mustard available, you might be grumpy too!! I am frog who likes some flavor added to my meals. Sooo......hop to it and let's get drawing!!!
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Instructor: Mrs. Emily Albright
#grumpy #frog #flies
Up Next in Wild Animals
Fluffy Tailed Fox
What do you mean "Crazy Like a Fox"? This fluffy tailed fellow is staring at you as if you have something yummy to eat. If he looks cute, cuddly and is well behaved, would you feed him a morsel? Pretty please??? Hmm, what do foxes like to eat anyway?
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Bunny blowing bubbles
This is a fun adventure with a cute bunny blowing bubbles! Easy and fun we go step by step!
Mouse taking bath in cat bowl